Thursday, June 9, 2011

400 "Framework" Books to Liberian Pastors

Liberia on African west coast

This morning we loaded 400 copies of Framework for Christian Faith into a van which would deliver them for transportation to Liberia. Later this summer the books will be distributed to Pastors in need of them in Liberia. We also included 80 extra copies of Framework to be delivered to Redeemed Life Church in Minneapolis. And, for good measure, we include about 60 copies of Jerusalem: History, Archaeology and Apologetic Proof of Scripture and 48 copies of Hope for America's Last Generation.

Paul Canfield, who has worked with missions and as a missionary for many years, began attending the Generation Word Bible School where the Framework book is used as a textbook. Pastor Canfield distributed some copies of the book to some pastors that he meets with in Minneapolis.

Paul Canfield

The Framework book was well received and used as a study tool and as a guide for local Bible studies. One of the pastors, Rev. Alexander Collins, Redeemed Life Church says, "Our Bible study has increased tremendously since we started using the book." Today we included 80 extra copies of Framework to be given to him and his Bible study in Minneapolis.

One of the pastors that Pastor Canfield had spoken with was Pastor Charles Goah who had come from Liberia to the United States about twenty years ago.
Pastor Charles Goah, Liberian Ministers Association

Pastor Goah is the leader of Liberian Ministers Association. He is planning a ministry trip later this year to help serve the Liberian people and assist the Liberian pastors in preparing to teach the Word of God to this country torn by civil war. Pastor Goah said today that, "One hundred and fifty years of national development was lost in the civil war. All the electrical and water systems were destroyed and the country is having to start over." (The Liberian Civil Wars occurred between 1989-1996 and 1999-2003).

Pastor Goah and many others realize the importance of building a nation and a society on the God's Truth. We have received emails in the past from Liberia asking for books and cd's for pastors to use and share with their Liberian brothers. One email specifically said that with out the Word of God the Liberian people would never be able to rebuild their country and would instead always return to war. We have received and sent material also to Liberian refuge camps in Ghana.
Loading the books in the van was Charles who
came along from Minneapolis with Pastor Charles Goah.

Today was a rewarding day that brought a moment of fulfillment as we loaded over 500 copies of Generation Word books into a van that will take the books to a location where they will be placed in a overseas shipping crate and taken to Liberia. Once they arrive Pastor Goah and his ministry team will distribute the books to pastors who realize the value of the Word of God in the hearts of people.

Pastor Canfield said that one of the things that impressed him the first time he met with the Liberian church in Minneapolis is their intense prayers for the nation of the United States. Pastor Canfield said, "When I thanked them for praying for our country the Liberians replied, 'We came here from the civil war with nothing but the clothes on our back and this great country welcomed us. Now America is in trouble and we want to help.' "
Galyn Wiemers and Charles loading Framework books

Galyn Wiemers, Charles, Pastor Charles Goah, Pastor Paul Canfield
Charles, Pastor Paul Cranfield, Pastor Charles Goah and Galyn Wiemers
wait in the Wiemers' living room for the rain to slow down before loading the books.

Galyn Wiemers
Generation Word

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