- As a Muslim convert to Christ. the zeal to reach out and minister is strong. Please, assist me with literature/bibles to help me reach out to more people especially my friends in Islam. I also ask for study bibles & good christian books for personal studies.
- Thank you so much for the word of God that you are doing to make the truth be known to the people of God ,i have visited you site and i was so much impressed in it i request you to be part of this ministry we work together for the kingdom of God. (Uganda East Africa)
- After reading the first page of your book it opened up this great desire to want to learn and search out the Word of God on a greater level.
- A big thank you sir for being a great blessing to me and to other people in my school (West Africa Theological Seminary here in Lagos, Nigeria). Your book hope for Americas last generation, your handbooks and other materials you sent are wonderful treasures to me. Coming from a Catholic background, the church History in one of the handbooks blessed me so much. You, your family and your ministry are blessings to our generation.
- Just wanted to say a quick thank you for the online OT maps! I'm teaching from the book of Genesis for our adult Sunday School class & I've been spending hours looking for maps that would coordinate w/ Gen. 14! I came across your site & found exactly what I was looking for! Thank you for your time & dedication to spreading the Word!!
- I been sooo "blessed" by hearing the 76 individual sessions of your Genesis series. I can't adequately convey how the LORD has blessed me through your teachings on the book of Genesis. I been a Christian since acknowledging the Lord's call on my life over 40 years ago. I'm currently teaching the youth at one of the Calvary Chapel's here in the southern California area. I've studied diligently the Word of God over the years in an academic environment and and have listened to some of the top teaching that is made available on radio and on the internet here in southern California. I can say with all sincerity that I've never been so excited to listen to anyones biblical teaching and exegesis of the Scriptures, as I have with yours. I have learned more about the book of Genesis, by listening to your Genesis series, than I have in all the years I've studied it. I got so blessed by the Genesis series that I've immediately began listening to your book of Ephesian series.
- Firstly, I just wanted to say how much I have been blessed by your teaching
and the accessibility of lectures on the web. I live in Australia and I work full time and have a young family. I am desperate for solid bible teaching, but my local church (whilst is a great church in many ways) falls down in teaching the bible. We preach but don't teach - it's something I want to change. I love your approach, verse by verse, line by line and also your humility in bringing the completeness of 'views' on the bible, even though you have your own strong views about certain things - you still manage to put forward everything and encourage us to 'think'. So I wanted to encourage you, please don't stop teaching! - The reason for the email is your book, 'FRAMEWORK For Christian Faith (A Treasury of Christian Information and Bible Teaching)', which Ralph recommends highly to aid me in a book on which I am now working. He suggests your book will save me a great deal of research. Please let me know if your book is still available and how I may go about getting a copy. Thank you very much for your help.
- I personally congrat pastor Galyn wiemers for his unending generosity shown to millions of people all over the world in providing these books free.I am from India and am coming from a poor family.I wish I had enough money to totally support your ministry.I also wish and pray that an inspired man like Pastor Galyn should be in India too.India is totally immersed in pagan worship.Christianity here is far away from what the Bible teachers.They are led by blind pastors.If pastor Galyn had been here,it would shed some real truth to us.If gods grace can work miracles that grace will one day give me money so that I can personally meet Pastor galyn.I am longing to be with you Pastor.God of Abraham, Jacob,Issac and moses will help me because he is the living God for me.Thank you very much pastor.
- Your studies that you sent on cd has been a constant source of inspiration and making my foundation strong in the Pure Word. I thank you once again. (India)
- Your book is phenomenal!!! I'm AMAZED at the info you have included in it!
It is GOD-INSPIRED, no doubt!! - I'm working at developing an online Bible school to train German pastors and church leaders. I've been teaching in classroom settings for about 10 years and would like to expand to meet the needs of more students. It's got to be in German, or I might just recommend the students to your website.
- WOW!!!!! I was so impressed by all you have done: 2 books, cds, some awesome testimonials, etc.. You have really gone above and beyond. It always makes a coach proud when one of his former players succeeds and excels!! And brother you certainly have done that. I started the Generations book last night and am looking forward to it. Keep up the good work. And remind your boy, ZAC, to run fast, bear to the left and get to finish line quickly
- The FRAMEWORK Books you sent to us are really revolutionizing our church and Bible Institute. We are opening a local language (TWI) School of Ministry as a Dept. Of our Bible Inst. Our Board has agreed to affiliate with your ministry and authorization to use FRAMEWORK as the sole Textbook in addition to the Holy Bible. We need your urgent reply.
- I am a middle school youth leader at First Presbyterian Church in _______, IA and a member of our youth group brought the Framework book and the Last Generation book to our meeting. I was intrigued by the outline styles and was told by her to email you to get a copy.
- Thank you very much! I just finished listening to your teaching on Daniel 11. It was great. I got so much material to work with. I appreciate your enthusiasm for the Word. What a blessing your work is. I am anxious to continue into the Maccabees.I will spread the word about your website.
- I discovered you today while searching during my lunch hour Sermon audio.com.I enjoyed your lesson on Manasseh, Josiah and Jeremiah. This led me your feel very hungry :-) for your book "Framework". I lead a midweek bible class and also preach on occasion and I feel a bound copy of your book for be so helpful. I notice normally you do not ship to the UK and I can understand why. Would you reconsider for my case.
Free eBook: To Follow the Lamb
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15 hours ago
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